
The Association for the Development of Medical Education (TEGED) conducts activities aimed at achieving the following objectives to support the development and advancement of medical education in Turkey and to raise public awareness:

  • Coordination: Facilitating the sharing of knowledge, skills, and activities among medical schools and other institutions related to health and education that are currently providing educational services, in order to achieve common goals for the advancement of medical education in Turkey.
  • Dissemination of Developments: Promoting the widespread adoption of advancements in education.
  • Resource Provision and Utilization: Procuring, developing, and encouraging the widespread use of tools and materials to enhance the medical education environment within educational institutions.
  • Collaboration: Establishing communication and fostering cooperation with professional organizations related to education, as well as national and international educational institutions.
  • Community Building: Creating a shared environment for the members of the association to engage in social, cultural, economic, professional, sports, and educational activities.

The purposes and activities of the Association for the Development of Medical Education are defined by the Bylaws of the Association for the Development of Medical Education.